JK’s Small Moves are a family-owned, full-service business. In addition to carefully moving your items from one place to another, we work to make the whole process easier for you. We can help you:



We can professionally pack and unpack your whole house or office. Simply mention you are interested in this service when you ask for a quote.

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JK's Small Moves have different sized vehicles and teams, So are well equipped to help you move either that one item you have bought online for a bargain, or a full house with all the items a busy family acquires.



Sometimes the planets just don’t align. If you are moving interstate or overseas, you just can’t do everything on moving day. 

Or, if you are wanting to put down new carpets, paint, or just see how your new place feels, storage could be a good option. It makes sense to pick up all the gear on moving day as this is the most economical option for you.